Dental Claims Service
Dental Claims Service includes the creation and submission of dental insurance claims from posted or completed dental services
Necessary documentation and required chart information, such as- diagnostic quality radiographs or narratives is attached, as required
Daily submissions are verified, rejects and errors immediately addressed. Evolution sends clean claims that process quickly and get you paid faster.

Dental Posting Service
Allocation and posting of dental claim payments received by check or EFT. (We opt you out of VCCs!)
Payments are distributed by procedure, include important claim notes and necessary adjustments, denials are appealed and patient portions are detailed with a statement in queued when necessary.
Evolution's Dental Posting Service will also update allowed amounts and fee schedules for commonly downgraded procedures, to help improve treatment planning and increase over-the-counter collections.

Dental Billing Protocol
From dental benefit breakdown forms to aging dental claims follow up instructions- we build a solid, complete dental billing system for your team.
Evolution will teach you how to organize and digitize, breakdown and understand dental benefits, read EOBs, how your dental software works for you, patient statement protocol, claims follow up and even how to appeal a denied claim.
Your team evolves into better dental billers!

Dental Billing Training
Our remote dental billing training will answer all of your dental billing questions! Remote access allows us to use your software and info to present the best of dental billing.
We will evolve your team into "Expert" status starting with how to build a solid foundation of dental benefits; create, send and follow up on claims; how to read an EOB, allocate a payment, when to post adjustments, and how to appeal denials.
Evolution Remote Dental Billing One-on-One Training covers every aspect of dental billing to help your team reach evolutionary success.

Dental AR Cleanup
aka: Dental Billing Rescue
Struggling with your 90+ day money?
Evolution Dental Billing will follow-up on open dental claims to resolve issues preventing processing, make necessary corrections and resubmit, when needed.
With research, corrections and resubmits, to set the insurance wheels in motion, Evolution Dental Billing will get those old claims paid.
Remote dental billing can help you collect what you produce!

Outside Patient Hours
The business of Remote Dental Billing requires that a workstation, loaded with your important software and with access to important folders, is available. We know this is not always possible during patient hours.
Evolution Dental Billing is available to work when your office is closed.
We give you the same evolutionary service without taking a workstation from the office team during office hours. They can focus on the patient while we ensure claims are sent, payments are posted, and AR is under control.